
Empowering Global Capability Centers: A Decade of Excellence in Tech Partnership

Premkumar S

2 mins

Empowering Global Capability Centers: A Decade of Excellence in Tech Partnership

The era of emerging technologies promises to dramatically amplify the capabilities and impact of all forms of tech. To harness this potential and thrive in the upcoming decade, companies must fundamentally reinvent their operations. Every business needs the right talent to strategically apply AI, data and technology to drive digital transformation. This transformation requires a fresh approach to innovation, customer interaction, product development, and research.

So, how can companies cost-effectively access, create, and unlock the talent they need to make a significant impact on their business?

One of the answers lies in Global Capability Centers (GCCs). These centers have evolved into true business reinvention engines, connecting companies to a global pool of top talent equipped with the latest technology and training. By leveraging GCCs, businesses can stay ahead of industry trends, continuously innovate, and achieve sustainable growth for the long run.

Define GCC

What are Global Capability Centers (GCCs)?

Global Capability Centers (GCCs) are offshore units set up by MNCs to execute a wide range of strategic functions by using specialized talent, cost efficiencies, and operational advantages from different locations worldwide. GCCs serve as centralized global talent hubs, accessible to leaders across business functions, and helps to drive improvements in performance, resilience, and agility, focusing on areas such as technology innovation, product design, engineering.

GCC Landscape in India

India hosts a thriving ecosystem of over 1,600 Global Capability Centers, employing over 1.6 million professionals. These centers have transformed into strategic profit centers, driving local operational excellence and achieving key organizational objectives.

According to the GCC Quarterly Landscape Q4 '23 report by ANSR, GCCs are set for significant growth in India. Contributing over 1% to India’s GDP, they attract diverse sectors due to India’s strong IT infrastructure, skill workforce and ecosystem.

The report highlights a significant shift towards innovation and digital transformation among GCCs in India. These centers are increasingly focusing on developing cutting-edge solutions and products, leveraging technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and automation.

GCC in India

India has emerged as the World's GCC capital, hosting a thriving ecosystem where MNCs harness its diverse talent pool and favorable business environment. Some insights from the report includes:

  • 60+ CIOs and SVP leaders in India from various GCCs are poised to lead at a global level.

  • ~90% of GCCs plan to leverage AI/ML/cognitive computing in the next 2-3 years.

  • Service providers have a $80Bn opportunity to service the GCC industry globally in 2024.

  • Advantage for GCCs in India is access to the 3rd largest startup ecosystem in the world, with 1,12,718 DPIIT-recognized startups as of December 2023.

Unlocking GCC Value: Sedin Technologies

At Sedin Technologies, we have witnessed firsthand the transformative impact of Global Capability Centers (GCCs) over the past decade. We have continuously adapted and expanded our service offerings to meet the dynamic needs of these centers across industries. Our expertise enables us to deliver cutting-edge technology solutions that tackle specific challenges and deliver tangible outcomes.

Our extensive industry experience underscores our ability to craft customized solutions that resonate with the unique requirements of GCCs. This holistic support has been instrumental in fostering successful collaborations, facilitated by diverse contract models tailored to optimize outcomes for our partners.

The Intersection of Sedin Global Business Services and GCC

At Sedin, we are dedicated to empowering Global Capability Centers (GCCs) with a comprehensive suite of technology services to achieve strategic objectives and accelerate innovation. Our approach is deeply rooted in understanding the intricate dynamics and long-term goals of GCCs.

Software Engineering: From custom software development to seamless system integration, our software engineering services ensure GCCs benefit from robust, scalable, and secure applications tailored to their specific needs.

Data Engineering and Analytics: Leveraging advanced data engineering techniques and analytics, we enable GCCs to unlock the full potential of their data, turning raw information into actionable insights for informed decision-making.

Data Science and Generative AI Engineering: Our proficiency in data science and Generative AI engineering empowers GCCs to innovate continuously, maintaining a competitive edge in their respective markets. Our accelerators help the companies to get the solution out in the market with a fast TAT.

GCC Business Service

Diverse Flexible Contract Models to Help Businesses Deliver Value

We recognize that every GCC operates under unique circumstances and requirements. To facilitate continuous improvement and alignment with these needs, we offer a range of flexible contract models designed to maximize value delivery. By leveraging these models, GCCs can navigate complexities with confidence, driving sustained growth and innovation in their respective industries.

Time and Materials Contracts: Ideal for projects with evolving scopes and requirements, time and materials contracts provide the flexibility to adjust resources and timelines as necessary, ensuring optimal project adaptability and control.

BOT Model (Build-Operate-Transfer): Our BOT model offers a phased approach where we initially build and operate the GCC on behalf of the client. This structured transition ensures a seamless handover of full operational control to the client, promoting sustainable operations and long-term success.

Managed Services: With our managed services option, we assume full responsibility for specific IT functions within the GCC. This allows GCCs to concentrate on their core business priorities while we ensure operational excellence and ongoing support.

Putting GCCs to work for Real-world Impact

Sedin has played a pivotal role in empowering multiple organizations to adopt a structured approach to utilize innovative practices in their GCC operations. This approach focuses on consolidation, optimization, standardization, and transformative initiatives tailored to each client's unique needs.

Putting GCCs to work for Real-world Impact

As the digital landscape evolves, the need for modern GCCs becomes increasingly imperative. Investing in Global Capability Centers (GCCs) presents a compelling opportunity for business leaders aiming to lead their companies into a future driven by advanced technologies. These centers serve as catalysts for scaling transformation and unlocking unprecedented business value, marking a pivotal shift in how companies harness talent and technology for sustainable growth.

Looking ahead, Sedin Technologies remains committed to our mission of guiding GCCs through the complexities of the digital age to achieve their strategic objectives. Our legacy is built on dedication, expertise, and unwavering support, reflecting the enduring impact of our partnerships.

If you are seeking a trusted tech partner to establish or enhance your GCC operations in India, Sedin Technologies stands ready to assist. Contact us today to discover how we can support your journey towards operational excellence and innovation.

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